English Speaking chartered accountant Paris France Hexaconto

” The world is changing, my English speaking chartered accountant CPA in Paris is supporting me. ”

You want to establish one or more interim accounting situations during the year or to produce monthly or quarterly reports in line with your expectations, those of the Group to which you belong or your business partners in France and within the agreed time frame.

As an english speaking CPA chartered accountant registered with the French Order of Chartered Accountants, we work on missions to establish interim financial statements during the year but also produce reports in French, English, Spanish or German languages according to your needs.

Preparation of interim accounts by the English speaking chartered accountant in France

As a French chartered accountant, we assist you in establishing interim financial statements. They are prepared according to the same principles as your year-end balance sheet so that you have an accurate view of your activity during the year or as part of a financial transaction (merger, divestment, etc.).
  • 1. General or analytical accounting and bookkeeping

    The correct entry of your accounting documents is the first step: bank statements, sales invoices, purchase invoices, fixed assets and depreciation, salaries, earnings allocation, etc. Analytic accounting can be implemented, per establishment, per business line, per contract, etc.

  • 2. Accounts revision

    In the event that your finance department does the bookkeeping, we can review the accounts to propose the necessary corrections that need to be made so the accounts meet the French GAAP and current French tax regulations.

  • 3. Preparation of interim accounts

    Once the accounts are revised, we then prepare the interim situation of the accounts with the provisions accordingly to produce interim balance sheet and income statement.

  • 4. Presentation of interim accounts

    Once the interim accounts are established, we present them to you in the form of balance sheet and income statement, as well as intermediate balances of management, balance and ledger if you wish.

Preparation of reports by the English speaking chartered accountant in France

In addition to the annual or interim accounts established during the year, as a chartered accountant, we are able to assist you in preparing financial reports which include the analyses you want or which your Group expects, such as (non-exhaustive list):
  • 1. Balance sheet

    The balance sheet includes the assets and liabilities of the company. It includes the following major sections at the closing date of the period considered: fixed assets, accounts receivables and debts, cash and equity.

  • 2. Income statement

    The income statement, also known as profit and loss, includes in France the company’s revenues and expenses related to its operations, financing and exceptional incomes over the period. It shows either a profit or a loss and can be broken down by analytical axes if necessary: by establishment, business line, geographical area, etc.

  • 3. Income statement subtotals

    Income statement subtotals provide an understanding of the construction of earnings, based on several key indicators such as margin, EBITDA, operating income, etc. They can be built by analytical axis if needed.

  • 4. Margin analysis by product or service line

    The margin rate is a key financial indicator. Analyzed over several years, it allows to evaluate the company’s ability to protect its margins: the ability to develop its turnover, to pass on cost increases to its customers, to negotiate purchase costs with its suppliers, etc.

  • 5. Cash flow

    Cash flows are positive or negative. If they are positive, then the receipts are greater than the disbursements. It is interesting to compare cash flows with the cash forecast to anticipate any deviations and act accordingly.

  • 6. Establishment of budget or provisional accounts

    The budget or forward-looking accounts is an estimate of the company’s balance sheet, earnings statement and cash flow for the current or future fiscal year. All the significant elements expected over the period under review should be taken into account before the forecast tables are built.

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    Examples of interim accounts related services & news about financial reporting in France